Student Solution


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Ethical Dilemma Exercise

Ethical Dilemma Exercise

Q Ethical Dilemma Complete one of the Ethical Dilemma Situations beginning on page 74 of your text, and click Ethical Dilemma Instructions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for instructions on how to solve this dilemma. You may choose to write about any one of the Ethical Dilemma's that interest you. Don't forget to submit your assignment.

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The juvenile here is a clear thief as he has theft the meat. However, after knowing the family condition of this poor boy, the ethical dilemma arises whether to punish the defendant or not. The defendant here has committed own crime also and has made a statement that only to help his poor mother he has done that. Therefore, the prosecutor should deal this situation with care as the defendant is juvenile as well as he is the victim of a poor social class that has made him thief.